
Sunita Gandhi is Educationist of the Year 2014, India Book of Records, and Visionary of Uttar Pradesh 2017. She is a passionate educator who started her first school at the age of 14 for the underprivileged children in her home’s neighbourhood. She has founded schools in the Czech Republic, Iceland and India, and has been guiding transformation at many others worldwide.
Sunita Gandhi has a Ph.D. in Physics from Cambridge University, UK, on academic scholarships. Though a physicist, she was selected in the toughest competition to enter the Young Professionals Program as Economist at the World Bank in Washington, DC. She left her prestigious job after ten years to follow her dream of working first-hand on literacy and education in India, and to help her parents with their world’s largest school—City Montessori School, Lucknow, India.
Learning her biggest lessons by working in the trenches with children and women in India’s slums and villages, Dr. Gandhi came up with the Global Dream Campaign and the ALfA Pedagogy, or Accelerating Learning for All—a transformative, swift and effective means to accelerate learning for all. Replicated into 25 Indian and International languages, Global Dream has begun to spread across all continents of the world.
Her 15-year research on Ipsative Assessments in Iceland, India and UK was published in the UK in 2017. Her research on literacy inequalities was published in Glasgow University’s Journal of New Economics, UK, and in the Education & Political Weekly of India in 2021.
She has travelled to and studied education systems in 50 countries.
Global Dream Disruptive FLN is a movement for a literate world, to fulfill the SDG 4 goals of quality education and universal education for all primary aged children. India’s New Education Policy accords the highest importance to foundational literacy and numeracy skills for all children. NIPUN Bharat scheme of the Ministry of Education has further elaborated these goals for Balvatika up to Grade 3 and aims to accomplish universal FLN for these grades by 2026/27.
DEVI—Dignity, Education, Vision International is an educational non-profit that is promoting literacy and education opportunities for children across India and internationally through partnerships with governments and institutions. It has a Global Disruptive Literacy Advisory Committee with members from across the world. ALfA methods are being implemented in the US and in many countries across the developing world.